

By Tim Keller


By Tim Keller


By Tim Keller

Resources by Timothy Keller and Redeemer Churches and Ministries

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  • How to Change July 26, 2024
    Through faith in Christ, through the gospel, through the Holy Spirit, you can experience lasting, deep, radical, permanent change. If you’re going to make such changes, you need to understand the nature of Christian change. You have to understand the nature of it, the pattern of it, and the process of it. Galatians 5 shows […]

Quarterly Articles

July Book Offer

Reading Galatians Can Change Your Life!

Galatians is a powerful book that shows how people can think they know the gospel but are actually losing touch with it. In this study of the book of Galatians, Dr. Keller helps you understand how this short book in the New Testament can transform your life.