New Episode: Discovering the Gospel in Joshua

By Tim Keller

Watch the latest episode on the book of Joshua from Tim Keller’s series, Discovering the Gospel in Every Book of the Bible.

You can see the schedule below for when new books of the Bible will be added to this series. As you watch, Tim Keller shows how each book of the Bible has threads of the story of the gospel — creation, fall, redemption and restoration, and also threads of the principle of the gospel — we are sinners saved by God’s grace alone, not of our own works. Watch new episodes of this series on the Gospel in Life Youtube channel here.

Here are the release dates for new upcoming episodes:

April 6 — Judges
April 20 — Ruth  
May 4 — 1 & 2 Samuel
May 18 — 1 & 2 Kings  
June 1 — 1 & 2 Chronicles
June 15 — Ezra & Nehemiah

This Month's Featured Book

Cultivate a Deeper Prayer Life

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God offers biblical guidance as well as specific ways to pray in certain situations, such as when dealing with grief, loss, love and forgiveness. In the book, Dr. Keller helps you learn how to make your prayers more personal and powerful through a regular practice of prayer.