Taste and See

By Susan Nacorda-Stang

How did you first become a follower of Christ or interested in Christianity? For most, if not all of us, someone said something, did something or brought us somewhere, and a process began.

Santiago came to faith last year after Sandra brought him to Questioning Christianity. He became a baptized member of Redeemer Downtown this last November.

For some, that person or those people were our parents, who took us to church at a young age. For others, it was a persistent friend in college who kept inviting us to a Bible study. Every Christian has a unique story, but in every story, there were ordinary and imperfect people involved that loved us, prayed for us, and sacrificed so that we might “taste and see.”

In God’s design, all of his children are called to play a role in helping others come to know him (Matthew 28:19-20). And while obeying this command is very hard, we know that it can change lives. What would your life be like today if that person or group didn’t first take time for you? At Redeemer Downtown, we want to be a community that proactively loves, prays for and invites others to experience God’s life- transforming gospel.

…but in every story, there are ordinary and imperfect people involved that loved us, prayed for us, and sacrificed so that we might ‘taste and see.’

One of the ways we do that is by offering Questioning Christianity (QC) together with the other Redeemer churches. QC is an opportunity for our non-Christian friends to come as they are and explore the claims of Christianity. At our first session in January, I met people on a vast spectrum of places in their process of exploring faith. One man grew up in the church, stopped going years ago, but found the presentation to be unlike anything he’d ever heard. He told me he enjoyed himself, but it bothered him that he enjoyed it. One woman was a Jewish New Yorker who struggled with her experiences of anti-semitic Christians, but liked QC and planned to come back. One man practiced Hinduism and has been attending Redeemer for six months with his friend. He told me he wasn’t looking to change religions, but was glad to come and keep learning about Christianity.

Wherever your non-Christians friends are in their story, we hope you will pray for them and pray about how God might be calling you to play a role in their lives.

Questioning Christianity with Tim Keller

Register to livestream upcoming Questioning Christianity sessions on March 19, April 16, and May 7.

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