I grew up in a Christian home, attended church my whole life, married the pastor’s kid, you know the story.
Last year I became so distraught that I dropped the dog off at the sitter, drove to the airport and, before I got on a flight, mailed my husband my phone. I flew to Arizona to a “wellness retreat,” desperate to be free of the crushing anxiety, worry and anger I was sure I could never get rid of. I didn’t want to live any more if this was going to be my life… No sleep or if I got to sleep—night terrors, waking in panic, constant anxiety over work…I was unbearably miserable and had been for 8 years.
I threw 2 books in my bag for comfort, favorites that I often turned to in the night: A Gentleman in Moscow and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
I also threw in the booklet The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness. It had been sitting in a pile for over a year and I just grabbed it. I don’t even remember doing it.
I had been in Arizona for two weeks when I read it. It slapped me across the face and got my mind cleared. Then I googled “Tim Keller Anxiety” which led me to the sermons “God in the Storm” and “Peace—Overcoming Anxiety.”
Everything changed almost instantly. I knew that I had made work my one true thing. I saw that only God is a treasure that can’t fade. I repented and begged Jesus to free me and set my heart on Him. I called my husband sobbing and laughing. He got on a plane. I can’t even describe the joy that has followed, for both of us.
I knew that I had made work my one true thing. I saw that only God is a treasure that can’t fade.
It’s been a year of massive transformation. I am completely different, as are my husband and our friends…all of whom wanted to hear what happened because I am completely different.
I could go on and on. My journals are a miracle and they are filled with Dr. Keller’s words and teachings.
I didn’t want another day to go by without saying that there’s a little architecture company in Roslyn, Washington that used to be a place of death and now is filled with life.
We immediately started supporting Gospel in Life and it’s my favorite check to write.
A letter from Jen Andrews