Matthew chapter 21 tells of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Why was it that Jesus was so hush-hush about his identity/work early on in the gospels but later so public, especially during the triumphal entry? Why was it so astonishing that Jesus rode in on a colt vs. on a warhorse? What significance might the waving of palm branches have? The sermon reveals Jesus as a confrontational king, a counterintuitive king, and a coming king.
Book of the Bible: Matthew 21
Prostitutes Before You
This sermon was preached by Timothy J. Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on Mar 11, 2001. Series: The “Amens” of Jesus; The Challenge of the Cross. Scripture: Matthew 21:28-39
The King Is Come
This sermon was preached by Timothy J. Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on Mar 2, 1997. Series: The Real Jesus Part 3; The King. Scripture: Matthew 21:1-17