
The Gospel and the Heart Conference

Tim Keller | September 12, 2003 - September 13, 2003

This was the first in a series of conferences given at Redeemer Presbyterian Church from 2003-2004, along with The Gospel and the World Conference and The Gospel and Community Conference.

These conferences were meant to encapsulate Redeemer’s teaching on a broad range of subjects, and were later adapted into the book,Gospel in Life.


Introduction: The Two Prodigals

Tim Keller
Sep 12, 2003
Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
Duration: 51:59

What Is the Gospel

Tim Keller
Sep 12, 2003
Duration: 48:52

How the Gospel Changes Us

Tim Keller
Sep 13, 2003
Duration: 54:01

This Month's Featured Book

Deepen Your Daily Time with God

Are you looking for a way to deepen your daily walk with God? Go Forward in Love: A Year of Daily Readings from Timothy Keller is a new 365-day anthology, compiled from excerpts of Dr. Keller’s wide range of books.