Fall 2024


Reflections on Faith and Politics

Over the years Tim talked with many professing Christians who had very strong political views from many perspectives. They would often be very emotional and sometimes consumed by what they perceived to be unacceptable political affiliation by their Christian sisters and brothers within our church.


Reaching London with the Gospel

Neil is working to create a Dunkirk-like operation for a different type of mission: seeing the gospel reach the hearts of men and women living in one of the world’s largest and most diverse cities: London. Neil sees the need for a unique effort to unite churches in London to “seek shalom for the city,” as the late Tim Keller would say. “What if a truly collaborative answer to the call is possible? What if there is a way for faithful churches across denominations, ecclesial styles, and theological traditions to partner in a rescue effort that would rival Operation Dynamo?” This past spring everything changed.


The Temptations of Being an Artist

I recently performed Wynton Marsalis’ A Fiddler’s Tale, a contemporary musical reimagining of the classic Faust story, and was struck by its relevance to my own life and work, given Marsalis’ twist: The Faustian subject is an artist, a fiddler. In discussing the work with Mr. Marsalis and our colleagues, I found that (contrary to a popular opinion), deals with (and temptations by) the devil still resonate, perhaps even more so in our “disenchanted” age.


Understanding God’s Grace in My Brokenness

I will never forget my birthday, May 8, 2001. Nor will I forget my husband, Daniel’s birthday, May 9, 2001. I have often joked that my husband gives me money on my birthday and I return it on his birthday. But this birthday was to change the trajectory of our lives.


Our 2024 Advent Devotional

“What is Advent? It’s the season when we look back to Christ’s first coming, as a baby born in Bethlehem, and look forward to his second coming when he will return to renew and redeem every part of fallen creation. The Advent season gives us a time to reflect upon the promises of God and to anticipate the fulfillment of those promises in Christ. Advent season is a time for remembering and rejoicing! This year, Advent season is from December 1 – 24, and we’d like to send you an email each day of the season with an Advent devotional from Gospel in Life.

This Month's Featured Book

Cultivate a Deeper Prayer Life

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God offers biblical guidance as well as specific ways to pray in certain situations, such as when dealing with grief, loss, love and forgiveness. In the book, Dr. Keller helps you learn how to make your prayers more personal and powerful through a regular practice of prayer.