Summer 2020


The Sin of Racism

Biblically, sin is anything that falls short of God’s will and glory, that violates his law and his character (1 John 3:4; Romans 3:23). There are at least four ways in which what we will be calling racism is a violation of God’s glory and therefore is a sin. It is sin.


Interview: Irwyn Ince, Jr. on Diversity in the Church that Stems from the Gospel

Irwyn Ince discusses his work with churches and their leaders to bring about multi ethnic gospel communities like we see in the Bible and how he is working to help bridge racial divides in the church. As he talks about his work, you will learn why he is hopeful that the gospel can bring unity to the Christian community and more ethnically diverse churches.


How God Works in a Data and Efficiency-Driven World

I’m a data and analytics consultant, involved in various types of work, most recently advising companies on what data to track and how to personalize people’s experiences with it. If anyone understands the gravity of privacy, it is the people who synthesize and use data in their line of work. The cultural mandate to “be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it” has emphasized the responsibility I have to continually research, question and advise either for or against methods of tracking, technology and usability.


The Gospel Is Teaching Cuban Pastors How to Love the LGBTQ+ Community

Unfortunately, many churches did not voice their opinions in a respectful way, but instead became militant in their stance, insulting the dignity of anyone from the LGBTQ+ community. It was during this period that I received an invitation from Pachy Quesada, president of Los Pinos Nuevos association of churches, asking me to come to Cuba…


No Longer Wondering What It’s All For

Just one hour after I was dancing on stage in front of an audience of 2,400 with a live orchestra, I found myself alone, sitting on my bed in my apartment. I wanted to feel that after-performance high; I wanted to enjoy the fulfillment of something I had spent two decades training for. Securing an…


How God Gave Me a Home

In 2017, I became homeless, living in my car. I lived in my car up until the end of September, when I sold it for some money. I had lost everything—my family, my friends. When you’re homeless, you are a non-person. You’re invisible—people don’t see you.


A Marriage Renewed by the Gospel

A story of marriage renewal from Heather Bixler, a violinist and a neuroscience student at Columbia, and her husband David Bixler, a saxophonist.

This Month's Featured Book

Cultivate a Deeper Prayer Life

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God offers biblical guidance as well as specific ways to pray in certain situations, such as when dealing with grief, loss, love and forgiveness. In the book, Dr. Keller helps you learn how to make your prayers more personal and powerful through a regular practice of prayer.