Gospel-Changed Community


Reaching London with the Gospel

Neil is working to create a Dunkirk-like operation for a different type of mission: seeing the gospel reach the hearts of men and women living in one of the world’s largest and most diverse cities: London. Neil sees the need for a unique effort to unite churches in London to “seek shalom for the city,” as the late Tim Keller would say. “What if a truly collaborative answer to the call is possible? What if there is a way for faithful churches across denominations, ecclesial styles, and theological traditions to partner in a rescue effort that would rival Operation Dynamo?” This past spring everything changed.


All About Not Being a Superhero

He is a pastor and has been for more than a decade. He planted a church, ministered to people, gave advice and counseling to others, and helped many along their journey. Through the years rarely has someone done the same for him. And that came at a cost. “As a pastor, because I was constantly helping others resolve their issues and helping them solve their problems,” Ignacio says, “I began to focus on being self-sufficient.”

This past spring everything changed.


Moving Out with the Gospel

Presenting the gospel from the Old Testament really helps someone who is Muslim relate to what I’m saying because they are familiar with those stories in the Quran. I’m now able to explain how to see Jesus in the Noah story. And I see more Muslims responding to the gospel. Some of them will say, “We’ve never heard the gospel preached this way.” And I say, “Well, I also just learned it.” And I’m not seeing the same hostility toward the gospel.


The Gospel at Work in Madagascar

Although 85% of the population of Madagascar identifies as Christian, Tank says the gospel message is often eroded. “Religiosity mixed with a health and wealth message is very challenging right now. Due to that, many people are being tossed back and forth, deceived and blinded. Lots of syncretism where people are trying different religions and hoping that maybe one will work and sort out all of life’s problems, especially poverty.”


An Actor Brings His Faith Into His Work

Christians in the arts—theater, dance, music, etc.—face suspicion from both their colleagues and from their fellow Christians. Max McLean’s story is one of immersing himself in theater and finding a better way with the gospel, of both pursuing his calling and honoring his Lord.


A Polish Church Comes to the Aid of Ukrainian War Refugees

Our church doubled in size during the pandemic and when the war started, it almost doubled in size again. Because of Krakow’s location, the city has been serving as a gate to safety because Krakow is one of the first large cities you hit once you have crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border. We were given an incredible opportunity and privilege to serve those who were fleeing from cities that were under the Russian attack in Ukraine and we primarily served women with children.


The Resurrection Is Historically Verifiable or Our Faith Is Nothing

…Increasingly the culture doesn’t believe in facts or truth. It believes that people create their own truth, they create their own facts. There’s no certainty on what the right take on reality is. And so here we have the Christian church of all things being the center of emphasis on the idea that there are historical facts that can be verified.


The Scars of Racism Can Only Be Healed by Jesus Christ

As I began to go into shock, I heard a shot close by and felt a body collapse on top of me. Blood ran over me, and I tried to crawl out from underneath it. When I got free, I looked back and could see it was an old man who the police had killed. Then I passed out. When word of the violence spread, my relatives raced to every clinic and hospital searching for me (Xolani had made it out ok). They couldn’t find me, and assumed I’d been killed.


The Creator in You – A Book Review

Whether it is washing dishes or building spaceships, we have the image of God in us as ones who bring order out of chaos and call it good. In giving us his creation mandate, God asked men and women to discover the potential in his creation and care for it. With the publication The Creator in You, this message has been clearly and attractively presented to children.


Building Communities that Care for the Broken Well

Pastors and ministry leaders carry a heavy weight when caring for the needs of so many people in their congregation and surrounding community.


The Value of Being an Artist

Like many New Yorkers, I lived (and often still live) from a place of unhealthy reliance on my work as a source of my identity, rather than as a healthy expression of it. So I went through a process of relearning to hold my identity (lower-case i) as a performing artist in New York much more loosely in particular. I had to hold that gift out to God and say “Lord, use this gift (and me) as it seems best to you.”


When the Caregivers Need Care: Dealing With Burnout

The pandemic is giving pastors, ministry leaders, and mental health professionals a crash course in how much mental health matters. Isolation and quarantine have a negative effect on people’s minds and bodies. National reports from the CDC say that demand for mental health care has tripled since March 2020. People who spend a great deal of their time caring for others are particularly vulnerable to burnout.


Video: Loving Our Neighbors And Walking With Them Through Their Valleys

In this video, Tim Keller looks at how the Good Samaritan points us to Christ and the story compels us to live with radical, transformative love for our neighbors no matter what they believe or how different they may be from us.


The Gospel Changes How You See the Law

When I was a young new lawyer, I was often asked by older adults in the church how I expected to work in that profession and be a Christian completely committed to the Lord. My answer was simple. I could surely serve God in any profession. I never gave the question much thought. Now as a much older Christian lawyer I wish I had.


A Journey of Racial Reconciliation Through the Gospel

I had been born and raised in Nigeria to Nigerian and Northern Irish parents, and because of the CG’s location I was hopeful this group might have some Black people in it, though I saw very few on Sundays. When I joined my CG, I was amazed, for God had led me to a CG that was part of the then Racial Unity Ministry (RUM).


Tim Keller’s series from KL2020 conference in Kuala Lumpur

In the face of suffering, a deep understanding of the Christian’s heavenly citizenship is necessary. The gospel speaks directly to oppressed and suffering believers, showing them the way to live and act in a culture that is increasingly hostile to the gospel.


Video: Why should Europeans share the gospel?

A Livestream conversation with Tim Keller discussing City to City Europe’s Evangelism Project.


Forming a Changed Community through Music

We’ve learned that exclusively singing as a scattered church is woefully inferior to regularly singing as a gathered church. For eight months, I never heard my brothers and sisters voices join mine as we sang our sorrows or proclaimed God’s praises. In our perfect resurrection bodies, in God’s perfectly restored creation, we will sing together more skillfully and joyfully than we can imagine.


The Church as Family: A Conversation with Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry offers insight on how the New Testament describes the church as family and practical examples of what that means for us today.


The Gospel Is Teaching Cuban Pastors How to Love the LGBTQ+ Community

Unfortunately, many churches did not voice their opinions in a respectful way, but instead became militant in their stance, insulting the dignity of anyone from the LGBTQ+ community. It was during this period that I received an invitation from Pachy Quesada, president of Los Pinos Nuevos association of churches, asking me to come to Cuba…

This Month's Featured Book

Discover the Life-Changing Reality of Being in Christ

We all long for a home—for a place where we can truly flourish and belong. In One with My Lord, a new book by Sam Allberry, you’ll discover how the Bible promises that there is a place like that for all of us — but it doesn’t have a zip code.