SKU: RS 121


Four Ways to Live, Four Ways to Love

Tim Keller | September 10, 2000 - October 8, 2000


Considering the Great Love of God

Tim Keller
Sep 10, 2000
Scripture: Psalm 107:31-43
Topic: God's Love
Duration: 41:30

God Our Father

Tim Keller
Sep 17, 2000
Scripture: Psalm 103:1-2, 8-18
Topics: God the Father, God's Love
Duration: 45

God Our Friend

Tim Keller
Sep 24, 2000
Scripture: Exodus 33:7-34:8
Topics: God the Father, God's Love
Duration: 34:10

God Our Lover

Tim Keller
Oct 01, 2000
Scripture: Ezekiel 16:3-10,15-22,39-42,60-63
Topics: God the Father, God's Love, Marriage
Duration: 44:33

God Our King

Tim Keller
Oct 08, 2000
Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11, 27-31
Topic: Worship
Duration: 36:02



The Great Banquet: On Humbling

By Tim Keller

Lord of the Whips

By Tim Keller

The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 1)

By Tim Keller

This Month's Featured Book

Cultivate a Deeper Prayer Life

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God offers biblical guidance as well as specific ways to pray in certain situations, such as when dealing with grief, loss, love and forgiveness. In the book, Dr. Keller helps you learn how to make your prayers more personal and powerful through a regular practice of prayer.