
A Bruised Reed He Will Not Break

Tim Keller |  January 31, 2010

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  • Prophecy
  • Suffering
Isaiah 42:1-9
RS 319-01

Isaiah 42:1–9

When we look at the final parts of Isaiah, we see the role of Jesus Christ through predictions about a person called the Servant of the Lord. These predictions, especially the first Servant song (Isaiah 42:1-9), tell us about a Servant King, a Healing King, and a Suffering King. These give us a special understanding of who Jesus is, what he does, and what he offers. This helps us better understand Jesus Christ and his purpose.

1. Servant King

The Servant in the Bible is shown in a surprising way. He brings justice, but not by using power and control like a king normally would, but by serving others. This challenges what we usually think. The Servant, who is Jesus, amazingly shows both strength and weakness, humility, and importance. This is a mix of different great qualities, as pointed out by Jonathan Edwards. As followers of Christ, we are called to show these same qualities that seem to contradict each other.

2. Healing King

Jesus Christ’s role is shown as one of healing and fixing, especially for the people who are hurting and suffering. The Bible’s story contrasts God’s deep care for these people with simple or judgmental views. It highlights the endless wisdom and kindness of Jesus. It encourages us to find comfort and salvation in Jesus, recognizing the loss of justice and well-being because of sin, and the restoration he brings. It also emphasizes the need for a balance of justice and grace in creating positive change in the world.

3. Suffering King

Every song of the Servant shows more about his suffering. In verse 4, the words “falter” and “discourage” suggest he will face difficulties but still bring justice. This connects back to Genesis 3’s prediction of a descendant of Eve who, even though hurt, will defeat evil – a prediction that came true in Jesus Christ. Even with our wrongdoings, Christ offers healing and care to anyone who seeks him.



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