
A Paralytic Forgiven

Tim Keller |  February 1, 2015

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Mark 2:1-12
RS 353-05


Jesus reveals Himself not only as one who can heal, but one who can forgive. What we see in this passage is that underneath the paralytic’s physical enslavement (he carries around his mat), he is spiritually enslaved. While we cannot attribute the fact of his physical ailment to any specific sin that he committed, we can say that sin is the root of all of the brokenness in the world, whether directly or indirectly. So the physical healing in this story is a powerful metaphor for the kind of comprehensive healing Jesus provides. The story begins with a paralytic confined to his mat, but ends with him picking up and being the master over his mat. Likewise with sin we come to Jesus as spiritual paralytics, but come away free.

A Paralytic Forgiven – Video Preview



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