
Abel and the Salvation of Faith: Conviction, the Way to God

Tim Keller |  October 2, 1994

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  • Sin
  • The Bible
  • Salvation
Hebrews 11:1-7
RS 53-04

Hebrews 11:1–4

Hebrews 11 teaches us about people who lived strong, faith-filled lives, even when things were tough. They were powered by God’s approval, knowing He was pleased with them. We can understand how to gain this approval by looking at two brothers, Abel and Cain, which can help us face any problem bravely.

1. How are they alike?

The story of Cain and Abel shows how people can be different based on how they relate to God and live their lives. It shows us that people often hide their weaknesses and show off their strengths to win God’s approval. It also shows that people often try to hide their selfishness to appear better to others, a habit that started when Adam and Eve disobeyed God.

2. How are they unlike?

The sacrifices Abel and Cain gave to God were different, teaching us about the importance of faith and recognizing God’s promises. Abel’s sacrifice, which acknowledged God’s promise of a future Savior, was accepted. But Cain’s sacrifice, which was more about himself, was not. This story hints at how Jesus would later sacrifice Himself to remove our guilt and shame, and it stresses the need for us to seek God’s mercy to be accepted by Him.

3. How do you know who you are?

God’s approval isn’t something we can earn by doing religious things or by being self-righteous. Instead, it comes from admitting our sins humbly and relying on Jesus Christ’s perfect sacrifice. Some people may not like it when we rely on Christ’s grace instead of our own good deeds, but those who truly understand that their worth comes from grace will be kind to others. True faith means letting Jesus be our righteousness and not depending on what we can do ourselves.



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