
Alive With Christ

Tim Keller |  October 30, 2011

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  • Sin
  • Atonement
  • Salvation
Ephesians 2:1-10
RS 333-05


Paul’s great letter to the Ephesians is all about the church, and this passage speaks specifically to what it means to be saved. This sermon presents a picture of who human beings are outside of God and how God’s salvation to people is a gift. The essence of sin is us putting ourselves where only God should be: at the center of our lives, on the throne of our lives. What is salvation then? It’s God putting himself where we deserve to be: on the cross. Because Jesus Christ went and took our seat, we can now sit in his.

Ephesians 2:1–10

The book of Ephesians dives deep into the topic of being saved, explaining what we’re saved from, what we’re saved for, and how it all happens. It looks at how we used to be trapped by sin and chasing after worldly things but points out the incredible change God’s love and mercy bring, giving us a new life in Jesus. It’s a powerful reminder of how much God’s grace can turn things around.

1. What we’re saved from

Our human nature can lead us to focus on ourselves and what benefits us. This self-centeredness, which was even responsible for the Devil’s downfall, can make us do mean things, act all high-and-mighty, or use religion for our own gain. But this only leads to sadness and spiritual decay. If we choose to focus on others and serve them, spurred on by genuine regret for our past actions, we can experience true freedom and joy.

2. What we’re saved to

The gift of being saved is something we can’t earn on our own; we need to trust in God. Ephesians compares bragging about our own abilities to the Christian life where bragging is not necessary because of Jesus. It tells us that trying to find worth in what we achieve is pointless. Instead, we should live a life filled with faith, acceptance of ourselves, and understanding of others, leading to forgiveness and freedom.

3. How we’re saved and what we’re saved through

God’s love lifts us up and gives us a special place because of our faith in Jesus, like sitting next to Him in heaven. This wonderful act of God, where Jesus took our place and our punishment, doesn’t just erase our sins but also gives us dignity and assurance. This change helps us to take pride in the sacrifice of Christ, recognizing the new life we’ve been given because of His selfless act.



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