
Alive With Christ (Part 2)

Tim Keller |  November 8, 1992

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  • Salvation
Ephesians 2:1-5
RS 237-22


In Ephesians 2, we learn about the amazing change that happens because of Jesus’ new life. It reminds us that we were once spiritually asleep, easily pushed around by things in this world that are not of God. It tells us that everyone, no matter who they are, struggles with sin. But the good news is, God’s love and kindness are bigger than our mistakes. It warns us not to think we’re better than others and encourages us to seek real happiness in knowing God. The passage also tells us that we need a deep change in our hearts that can only come from being connected with Jesus. This change, our spiritual awakening, is all because of God’s love and kindness.



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