
Beholding the Love of God

Tim Keller |  April 2, 1995

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  • God's Love
1 John 3:1-3
RS 260-09

1 John 3:1–3

John’s passionate declaration in 1 John 3:1 emphasizes the incredible change that God’s love can bring about. Being a Christian doesn’t only mean we’re considered God’s children legally, but it also involves a deep personal change. This shows us the great honor and happiness we find in understanding God and experiencing His love.

1. It guides us to truly understand God

To really understand God goes beyond just thinking about Him, it involves a deep, life-changing relationship that can be seen in how we speak and act. Instead of seeking out mystical experiences, we should let truth make a real difference in our lives. The greatness of God’s love and the honor of being His children highlight how this deep, embracing experience can change us.

2. Recognizing God’s love for you as a miracle is a sign that you know Him

The Greek phrase being discussed basically asks, “Where does this love come from?” This idea is seen in the movie “The Fisher King,” where a woman is amazed by the love she’s shown. The true test of being a Christian is recognizing the miraculous nature of God’s love, seeing everything as a gift, and keeping a sense of wonder even during tough times, knowing it’s all part of God’s grace.



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