
Can a Mother Forget?

Tim Keller |  February 7, 2010

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  • Prophecy
  • Salvation
  • God's Love
Isaiah 49:1-16
RS 319-02


When external circumstances are daunting or when internally God feels remote, Christians often struggle to believe that they are truly loved by God. Yet, in this passage from Isaiah, God gives us an astounding metaphor to show us the depths of His love. God takes one of the most loving relationships – the relationship between a mother and her nursing infant – and shows how even that love does not compare to His love for us.

Isaiah 49:5–16

In Isaiah 49, we learn that Jesus came to save not just the Jews, but everyone. This prophecy also deals with Israel’s questions about God’s love. God reassures them that He’s always there and never forgets them. This helps us understand God’s saving grace and how He deals with our doubts and hardships.

1. A hard question

The people of Zion know God’s promises of salvation, but they still feel like He has left them. This struggle—knowing something in your head but not feeling it in your heart—is common. It can lead us to search for love and acceptance in the wrong places. It’s important to address this because it can make hard times even harder, deepening feelings of being forgotten.

2. Answer to the question

When we look at how God responds to feelings of sadness and feeling forgotten, we find both comfort and challenging truths. God is likened to a nursing mother to help us understand His love and care for us. This calls for deep thinking and studying the Bible, especially for those dealing with sadness. This mother-child image shows us that God’s love is even stronger than a mother’s love, and it speaks to His ongoing effort to ease our suffering.

3. Healing the hurt

Love is more than just words—it’s shown through actions. This is true in our relationships with each other and with God. God’s love for us is steady and self-sacrificing. He shows this by engraving us on His palms and through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. His unwavering love gives us comfort and freedom, no matter our situation or doubts.



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