
Cross: The Way to Freedom

Tim Keller |  February 6, 1994

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  • Justification
  • Salvation
  • Jesus' Death & Resurrection
Galatians 5:10-13; 6:14-16
RS 47-1


The cross of Jesus Christ gives us the most nuanced and sophisticated answer to the modern problem of freedom. How can we gain the freedom of the cross? 1) You have to let the cross offend you and 2) You have to boast in the cross.

Galatians 5:10–13; 6:14–16

Our modern idea of freedom, being able to do whatever we want, is not quite right, because it misses out on the beauty of selfless love. The Bible, in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, tells us that real freedom is not about following a long list of rules from the Old Testament, but about receiving a gift of righteousness from God. This awesome freedom is kept alive when we truly understand the message of the cross and find our joy in it.

1. Let the cross offend you

In Paul’s time, some people tried to downplay the message of the cross, which challenges our human desire for power and wisdom. Many clever people throughout history have found the crucifixion of Jesus offensive, preferring to see Jesus as a wise teacher, not a Savior who was killed. But the cross shows us that being smart or wise is not enough to solve our biggest problems. It reminds us that we all need Jesus’ death on the cross for salvation, and that only by God’s grace can we come to Him, despite our mistakes and failures.

2. You have to boast in the cross

The cross is a symbol that either offends or changes us. When we accept how shocking it is and embrace the salvation it offers by grace, we find our confidence and value in it. This joy in the cross brings together love and God’s Law, gives us freedom and happiness, and helps us face the world bravely and with kindness.



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