
Disciplines of Guidance

Tim Keller |  February 9, 1997

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  • Purpose and Calling
  • The Bible
Psalm 25:1-15
RS 275-04


We’re in a series on experiencing God. Now we come to another aspect: How can you know God is leading you and guiding you?

How can you know you’re not just making these decisions on your own, but rather, that there’s a plan, and God is leading you through that plan?

Psalm 25 is one of the greatest passages on how God guides. It shows us that 1) there’s a promise of God’s guidance, and 2) there are four things that are true of a person who receives God’s guidance.

Psalm 25:1–15

Connecting with God and seeking His direction isn’t about merely knowing facts about Him; it’s about personally encountering His love and holiness. Sometimes we want to know God’s plan because we want to feel in control, but we need to remember that God has a special journey for each of us. It’s more crucial to keep a steady relationship with God than just looking for a life-plan, because God has unique good works ready for each of us.

1. You need to understand God’s truth thoroughly

King David, in his psalms, highlights the need to deeply understand God’s commands before seeking His specific plans for us. We should focus on understanding God’s ways, paths, truth, and instructions, rather than rushing to get guidance on specific decisions. To grasp God’s specific plans for us, it’s essential to spend time in God’s Word, so we can better tell right from wrong.

2. You need to obey God’s commands

The fairy tale “The Princess and the Goblin” highlights how important it is to seek guidance and admit our wrongs. The story of Irene saving her friend Curdie can be compared to the biblical story of Naaman, reminding us to be humble and obedient in following God’s plans. We should reflect on ourselves, correct any disobedience or bitterness, and trust in the blessings that can come even from our mistakes and failures, all while knowing God’s love, faithfulness, and control.

3. You need to relax

Being mature and in good health helps us make sound decisions. Regularly spending time with God can lead to divine insights, but our feelings should never overrule God’s Word, our obedience, wisdom, or advice from others. After seeking God, obeying Him, and soaking in His Word, the final step is to trust in His guidance.

4. You need to know God personally

By deepening our relationship with God, we can experience His power to change us, purify our motives, and make us more in tune with His guidance. Knowing that God is in control of even the smallest details of our lives, we can trust in His plan and humbly ask for His direction. We should pray to feel His presence, asking Him to shape our hearts, comfort us, and reveal Himself as our ultimate Guide.



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