
Do You See Anything?

Tim Keller |  June 18, 2006

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  • Salvation
Mark 8:22-31
RS 190-24

Mark 8:22–31

In Mark’s gospel, we find a unique story where Jesus heals a blind man, not in one try, but two. This story is like a picture showing us our own spiritual blindness, pointing out what we don’t see and showing us how to heal spiritually. It also gets us ready for the big moment when Peter says Jesus is the Christ.

1. We’re all spiritually blind

Being spiritually blind is like being unable to see God’s truth. It doesn’t matter if we’re disciples, Pharisees, or just ordinary people – we all have this blindness. Understanding this should make us humble and less likely to judge others. The way to start seeing spiritually is through a personal relationship with Jesus, which can really change what we believe.

2. What we’re blind to

Our spiritual blindness comes from being too proud to admit we need help and thinking we can handle everything on our own. The idea of Jesus being both our ultimate Savior and God challenges our self-centeredness. To overcome this blindness, we need to recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior, admit our spiritual shortcomings, and accept that we can’t bring about deep change in ourselves on our own.

3. How we can be healed of it

Healing from spiritual blindness is a gradual process. It involves help from our community and a lot of faith. It’s important to admit when we’re uncertain and to ask God for guidance, always striving to grow spiritually. The key to gaining spiritual sight is a personal relationship with Jesus and accepting God’s truth.



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