
Enemy Within

Tim Keller |  October 16, 1994

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  • God's Love
1 John 1:5-10
RS 257-06

1 John 1:5–10

In 1 John 1:5-10, John talks about three important ideas: seeing God as light, admitting we make mistakes, and relying on what Jesus did to make us clean. He cautions us not to lie to ourselves and deny our mistakes. This type of denial goes against God’s truth and can stop Him from working in our lives. These ideas are key to feeling real joy and having a relationship with God.

1. God is light

Understanding that God is holy and always does what’s right is vital to feeling real joy. God, like a lighthouse, is pure and fair, and He can’t accept anything that’s wrong or evil. This challenges our selfish ways and shows us how unreasonable our wants can be. Understanding this holiness helps us see how deep His love for us is.

2. You have sin

Admitting our mistakes and deciding to live in the light is key to feeling real joy and having a relationship with God. The difference between a person who tries to earn God’s love by doing good things and a Christian who relies on what Christ did and knows God’s love is a free gift is most clear in how they respond to their mistakes. Recognizing that our mistakes are not just random acts but a pattern in our thinking helps us truly appreciate God’s love and feel the joy of being in a relationship with Him.

3. Jesus’ blood cleanses from all sin

The core of finding joy in God’s holiness and our mistakes is in what Jesus did for us. The cross, a symbol of the huge sacrifice Jesus made, encourages us to obey and also offers us freedom from our mistakes. No matter what we’ve done wrong, Jesus’ sacrifice gives us a fresh start, showing us God’s never-ending love and allowing us to live in the light, free from the control of our mistakes.



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