
Faith and Grace

Tim Keller |  December 6, 1992

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  • Race
  • Salvation
Ephesians 2:4-10
RS 237-26

Ephesians 2:4–10

This part of Ephesians chapter 2 shows us the life-changing power of getting to know Jesus. It tells us about how we move from a life of sin to a life of freedom in Christ. It also talks about how we, as believers, are loved by God just like Jesus is. This love can change us and show God’s amazing grace. It’s like we become a living example of God’s grace, similar to a story in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Silmarillion.”

1. The cause of faith is grace

In Christianity, grace and faith work together. Grace is like the root of our faith and faith is how we receive this grace. But we have to be careful not to think our faith is what saves us–it’s actually God’s grace that does. Faith is just the way we receive this grace. It’s key to remember that grace comes first, so we don’t start thinking our faith is something we achieved. Instead, we should see our faith in Christ as a beautiful result of God’s grace.

2. The nature of faith is resting in Christ

We learn here about “resting in Christ,” or trusting Jesus. It tells us that faith and certainty are different, and that we don’t earn salvation by doing good things–it’s a gift from Christ. It talks about how our actions, feelings, faith, and certainty interact. Think about it like grabbing a branch when you’re falling off a cliff–you don’t have to be certain to have faith. But it’s important to believe in Jesus’ resurrection and build a personal connection with Him through reading the Bible and talking with Him.



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