
Finding Our Identity in Christ – 2

Tim Keller |  November 5, 1989

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  • Glorification
  • Identity
Colossians 3:1-4
RS 207-04


The gospel tells you to stop trying to steal self-acceptance from other sources and to instead warm yourself at the fire of our standing in Jesus Christ. In Christ, God treats believers as if they have done all that Christ has done. It doesn’t matter what kind of day you’ve had. The gospel says that the determining factor is not your present or your past, but Christ’s present and past. That’s what the gospel is.

Colossians 3:1–4

This passage encourages us to think more about God’s matters than worldly things. It highlights that our lives are entwined with Christ and God, and we’ll partake in the glory of Jesus. It presents righteousness as a gift from God, received by faith in Jesus, not something we can achieve ourselves. We’re reminded that we are naturally sinful and need Jesus, which is more important than acting religious or thinking we’re perfect. The gospel teaches us that true acceptance and peace with God come from understanding and accepting the righteousness of Christ, along with the endless love and mercy of God.



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