
Food in the Desert

Tim Keller |  October 13, 2002

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  • Salvation
  • God's Love
  • Understanding the Gospel
Exodus 16:2-5, 27-35
RS 154-06

Exodus 16:2–5, 27–35

The Exodus story shows us that God rescues us from real hardships, it’s not just a vague idea. When God gave the Israelites manna in the desert, he was showing us how he works, gives, and waits patiently for us. This tells us that God’s rescue work has real-life meaning and that God’s help can change our everyday lives.

1. How God Works

When the Israelites were in the desert, they struggled to stop thinking like slaves even though they were free. This is like how we sometimes struggle to act like we believe in God’s promises. But the good news of Jesus gives us a fresh start and turns us into God’s loved children. God sometimes lets us go through tough times so we can become better people. He can even turn our worst moments into something beautiful when we have a relationship with Him.

2. What God Gives

It’s vital to trust God and rely on Him when life gets tough. The story of finding bread in the desert but not in fertile lands shows us that God can bring joy even in tough times. And the best life without God can feel empty. We need to remember God’s promises every day for strength and happiness. And we should stick with our community for support and encouragement, and to help us live out our faith.

3. How God Waits

Life has its ups and downs, but even when things are bad, God is there to help us grow. God’s tests are like a loving father’s. They’re not there to punish us but to help us grow up. When we believe in Jesus, we become God’s children. We realize that the hard times we face are not failures, but part of our growth.



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