
God’s Plan (Part 3)

Tim Keller |  August 16, 1992

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  • Salvation
Ephesians 1:9-12
RS 237-11

Ephesians 1:9–12

In Ephesians 1:9-12, we explore the mystery of God’s will, focusing on the idea that everything comes together under Christ’s leadership. It’s about how the good news of Jesus can heal divisions in society and demonstrates God’s ultimate control in carrying out His plan. The final goal is Jesus’ rule and the removal of all separations and hurt.

1. God’s plan is the ultimate cause of anything and everything that happens

God’s control reaches into every part of our lives, including the seemingly small events. The Bible tells us there’s no such thing as accidents or random events. Everything, from an unexpected injury to a coin toss, is under God’s control. This might make us feel uncomfortable, but it shows just how far God’s sovereignty extends over us.

2. God’s plan includes evil as well as good deeds and events

God’s grand scheme includes both good and bad events, making sure that even the most heartbreaking situations have a purpose. It may be hard to accept, but we must understand that God, as both King and Father, allows and uses tough times in our lives, controlling the chaos to accomplish His will. The story of Joseph in Genesis 50:20 shows this, proving that even bad intentions can be turned into something good, supporting the belief that God is using all aspects of our lives, including evil, in His divine plan.

3. God’s plan never destroys the reality of your choices or your responsibility

God’s plan for us doesn’t negate the importance of our choices and actions, showing that we can make a positive difference without being forced. Christianity’s view of history highlights God’s control but also values our individual choices. It encourages us to acknowledge God’s control for a balanced life of responsibility and peace. The tension between our wish for control and God’s plan stresses the need for obedience, surrender, and reliance on His wisdom, ending with a call for trust in God’s forgiveness and wisdom.



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