
Indestructible Truth

Tim Keller |  February 28, 1999

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  • The Fall
  • Doctrine
  • Sin
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
RS 101-4

Isaiah 52:13–53:12

Ezekiel had a vision about God being everywhere, shown by a throne with wheels, suggesting God can be present anywhere. Isaiah 52 and 53, written for Israelites who were far from home, discuss the troubles people face and offer answers. These chapters introduce God’s servant, helping us understand who he is, his purpose, and what he did, giving us a closer look at the problem of human evil and the promise of being saved through him.

1. Who he is

God’s greatness is seen in a servant who is meant to rise high, an idea that might be hard for some to believe. Christianity is special because its founder, Jesus Christ, didn’t just teach but connected us to God. Events like the Christmas story and the crucifixion are historical events that changed the world. It’s important these events are true, because if they weren’t, Christianity wouldn’t just be pointless, but harmful. This highlights the importance of acknowledging Jesus Christ as God’s active force in history.

2. Why did he come?

The core of human evil and sin is caught up in the idea of ‘iniquity’, a Hebrew word meaning ‘bent’. This ‘bent’ nature, seen in our self-focused wants and insistence on doing things our way, is the reason for all our problems. The only way to avoid a life that’s either bent or pointless is to recognize God as our Creator and give control to Him.

3. What he did

Sin is basically making ourselves more important than God, while being saved is God substituting himself for us through Jesus, who willingly suffered God’s anger and punishment. Understanding the value of the cross, which represents the removal of fears and the promise of love, is important for finding purpose in life. Even with the problem of pain and unfairness, Christianity is unique because it shows a God who has experienced unfairness, stressing the importance of living for others and seeking understanding and transformation.



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