
Jesus and the Bible

Tim Keller |  May 21, 2006

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  • Doctrine
  • The Bible
  • Understanding the Gospel
Mark 7:1-13
RS 190-20

Mark 7:1–13

In the book of Mark, Jesus faces off with the Pharisees, showing the risks of putting human customs before God’s rules. This behavior leads to fake worship and dishonesty. In today’s world, where the Bible’s authority is often questioned, Jesus’s lessons remind us to accept its authority, understand its purpose, and cherish the Person at the heart of it. This story is still relevant today, showing us the forever powerful and authoritative Word of God.

1. Accept its authority

Jesus critiques the traditions of the elders, which have changed so much that they now contradict the Bible’s original teachings. He criticizes the strict adherence to rules and separation that have developed, stressing the importance of honoring God’s commands above all else. Basically, if we want to truly worship God, we need to recognize the Bible’s unique authority and not equate it to any human traditions or beliefs.

2. Understand its purpose

The Bible is more than just a rule book; it’s about creating a strong, loving relationship with God. Jesus warns against making up extra rules to show off or try to control God, emphasizing that God desires our love and commitment. The story of Exodus, where God sets the Israelites free before giving them the Ten Commandments, shows that obeying God, guided by His grace, leads to a deep relationship with Him.

3. Cherish the Person at its heart

Real love means putting another person’s happiness before your own, which often requires us to change our behavior. This idea isn’t just for human relationships, but also applies to our relationship with God. This means being open to different ideas and challenges, and submitting to the Bible’s authority. Recognizing the main storyline of the Bible and seeing Jesus as the ultimate example and sacrifice is critical for our self-confidence and self-image, and helps us build courage and gratitude.



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