
Jesus, Our God

Tim Keller |  December 17, 1995

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  • Christmas and Advent
  • Jesus' Birth
Colossians 1:15-20
RS 64-3


If the baby in manger really is God, then Jesus is not a mere teacher whose instructions we can accept or reject as we please. Instead, Jesus calls us to a life of radical obedience to Him. Christmas isn’t about hanging out in front of comfortable fireplaces. When Jesus came into this world, he lost all his comfort. Jesus went from the joys of heaven to a filthy manger. Jesus likewise calls us to exit our comfort zones and live a life of adventure and service.

Colossians 1:15–20

Christmas is all about the amazing fact that God became a human in the form of Jesus. Jesus was just as powerful and important as God the Father. Yet, He was also just like us. He lived and died, just like people do. This truth should make us think differently about our lives, and cause us to give up our own desires and find true happiness.

1. A Reordering

When Jesus enters our lives, we have to rearrange everything. Jesus is God, so we can’t put any limits on Him. Our thoughts, actions, and relationships should all show that Jesus is the most important thing to us. Being a Christian means letting Jesus be in charge without holding anything back. When we let Jesus into our lives, it’s like a major earthquake – everything changes. That’s the real meaning of Christmas.

2. A Life of Giving Up

Christmas isn’t just about feeling good. It’s about living a life of risk and sacrifice, just like Jesus did. As Christians, we’re supposed to join Jesus in His mission to bring peace and healing, even if it’s hard and we have to give up things. So, Christmas is more than just a nice holiday. It’s a call to action and a deep desire to know Jesus better.

3. A Life of Happiness

Jesus went through the hardship of the cross because He was looking forward to the joy that was coming. We should have the same attitude when we’re going through tough times. The best joy is knowing we’re friends with God again because of what Jesus did for us. This amazing truth should change us from being lazy to being adventurous, from being selfish to being helpful, and from complaining to being happy.



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