
Lord of the Storm

Tim Keller |  December 3, 2000

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  • Sin
Genesis 6:5-13; 7:17-18
RS 122-08

Genesis 6:5–13; 7:17–18

Noah’s story and the great flood teaches us a lot about how God responds to human violence, feels pain, and provides a solution. These are big ideas that can change how we think about ourselves and our actions.

1. The violence of man

When people act violently, it causes God to judge us. Without this understanding, we face three problems. We can’t logically argue against violence, we’re emotionally hit hard by it, and we can’t stop it from happening again in society. This is why it’s so important to understand that God judges human violence.

2. The pain of God

Thinking about God’s judgment can be tough, but we must remember that God also feels deeply upset when He has to judge. God loves us so much that our happiness and pain affect Him too. This shows that God’s judgment and love can exist together and that He might be willing to suffer for a greater good we can’t fully understand.

3. What’s the solution?

The story of the flood shows how God deals with sin and violence – He saves through judgment. It points out that our usual ways to reduce pain and violence are not enough. Instead, it hints at a bigger sacrifice that Jesus Christ would make to pay for our sins. This powerful love and commitment from God encourage us to help make our world better, fight unfairness, and support healing. It also highlights the importance of truth, love, and bravery in our relationships, just like Jesus showed in His life and suffering.



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