
No One Seeks God

Tim Keller |  March 1, 2009

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  • Restoration
  • Sin
Romans 3:9-20
RS 312-04


Romans 1 through 4 gives Paul’s version of the entire biblical story, also called the gospel. In this passage, we come to the end of Paul’s analysis of what’s wrong with the human race.

When I was a new believer, this was a tough passage for me. It bothered me, and I wrestled with it. But eventually it revolutionized my way of thinking about life and myself and the world.

This is perhaps the most radical of all the statements the Bible gives us about what’s wrong with the human heart. We’re going to learn three things about sin here: 1) the egalitarianism of sin, 2) the trajectory of sin, and 3) the cure for sin.

Romans 3:9–20

In Romans, we’re reminded that every one of us has sinned and moved away from God. The Bible isn’t a rulebook meant to help us become perfect, but a mirror that shows us how much we need God’s help. It tells us about the problems we all face because of our sins and the solution God offers through Jesus Christ.

2. The direction of sin

Sin isn’t just about doing wrong things; it’s about where our heart is pointing. Sometimes we pull away from God and try to be in control ourselves. Even when we do good things, we’re often doing them for our own benefit, not for God. Our self-focus is the root of the world’s problems. The only solution is a change of heart, which only the Holy Spirit can bring about.

3. The remedy for sin

Our spiritual sickness shows us how much we need God’s healing. It’s important to be quiet, realize our need, and let God take over. Humility and accepting God’s kindness are essential. The story of Hosea and Gomer shows how God keeps loving us, even when it costs Him. Turning back to God and respecting Him are key parts of being saved.



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