
Paradise Promised

Tim Keller |  November 12, 2000

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  • The Fall
  • Restoration
  • Sin
Genesis 3:7-20
RS 122-05


Earlier in the twentieth century, the intellectuals of the Western world said it was our society and our institutions that were making us bad. If we changed them, then we’d get rid of atrocities, evil, war, racism, and poverty. But it hasn’t worked.

More and more, the Western world is looking back at Genesis, and I believe if you’re smart, you will too. In Genesis, we can see how sin and evil came into the world, and we can see the results. What we have here is a diagnosis and then what God shows us we can do about it.

Let’s look at Genesis 3 to see 1) the disease of sin and evil, and 2) the healing of the disease.



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