
Patience (Part 1)

Tim Keller |  February 25, 1990

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  • Fruit of the Spirit
James 5:7-16
RS 208-05

James 5:7–16

Patience is vital in our Christian faith. It ties into other virtues and sins, like how impatience can lead to bad feelings like anger or self-pity. The Bible stresses the need to admit when we’ve done wrong, pray for healing, and avoid complaining. It also talks about the value of waiting for good things to come and trusting in God’s perfect timing. The main point is that being patient with God helps us be patient with others, while impatience blocks a close bond with God.

1. Patience is suffering without payback

Payback isn’t just about acting out – it can also mean holding a grudge against God. Self-pity can be a sign of this hidden rebellion. The term “Makrothumos” or long-suffering, shows how patience involves bearing hard times without reacting right away. True patience is more than just putting up with things; it’s about enduring them.

2. Patience is not not caring

Despite what some think, patience isn’t about not caring. It’s about showing love and choosing not to get revenge or act indifferent. When we’re helping others, it’s vital to treat them with patience, respect, and a hope for better things to come. To grow in patience, we should think about how patient God is with us and His awesome power. We need to wait for Him patiently, knowing that His love makes the wait meaningful.



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