
People of the Lie

Tim Keller |  March 7, 1993

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  • The Fall
  • Sin
Genesis 3:1-9
RS 40-02

Genesis 3:1–9

We all need to get a grip on what sin means to really understand ourselves. An important story that helps us do this is Adam and Eve’s in Genesis 3. Even people as clever as psychiatrist Karl Menninger and theologian Martin Luther say that feeling guilty, saying sorry and turning away from wrong-doing are necessary for true happiness. Even if you don’t think Adam and Eve were real people, their story is still powerful because it’s a mirror of our own human struggles. It sets the scene for us to dig deeper into how sin affects us.

1. Unless you understand the doctrine of sin and of original sin, of radical evil in the heart, you won’t understand yourself

The idea of original sin, which begins in Genesis, is key to making sense of our lives. We’re always wanting more and feeling like something is missing. We’re capable of amazing things, but we can also do terrible things. This is because we were created in God’s image, but we’ve messed up. Our struggles and deep down wants come from this lost glory. By understanding original sin, we can get why we need both confidence and humility.

2. Sin deceives us

Looking at evil shows us that it’s closely tied to our human nature and can become part of us if we’re not careful. The good news in Genesis is that evil is shown as an outside enemy. This means we can hate evil without hating ourselves. The heart of sin is lies that seem true. These lies trick us into doing wrong and hurting others.

3. There’s a solution for sin

When God went looking for Adam and Eve after they messed up, it showed He really cares about us. It sets straight the wrong idea that He doesn’t care. The ultimate way that evil is beaten is through the selfless act of Jesus on the cross. This wasn’t easy or cheap. When we remember this at the Lord’s Table, we’re reminded of God’s kindness and Jesus’ sacrifice. This helps us to fight evil in our own lives and the world. It also helps us to reject the lie that God doesn’t care and to accept His love and goodness.



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