Tim Keller | August 6, 1995
What’s this about? This is about something the book of Acts tells us about in detail. This is about the need for revival. In other words, this passage teaches us about the continual fact of spiritual deterioration and the continual need and the way for spiritual revival and rejuvenation. Up here, the word revival means a play or an artistic style that has fallen into disrepute or fallen out of usage, is brought back, and it’s a hit again. That’s a revival.
If you’re from the South, you probably have seen signs out in front of little churches out on the country road saying, “One week of revival meetings.” There’s overlap between what I’m about to tell you revival is and those words, in a sense. Historically, the word revival has been used by Christians to describe a restoration, a rejuvenation, out of a condition of spiritual deadness and decay.
Now this passage, first of all, teaches us why we need continual revival and, secondly, what revival is. Why we need revival, what revival is, and then how to get revival in your life and in the church. Why, what, and how. We’re going to look at it this week and next week (can’t do it all tonight). First of all, this passage teaches us …
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Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God offers biblical guidance as well as specific ways to pray in certain situations, such as when dealing with grief, loss, love and forgiveness. In the book, Dr. Keller helps you learn how to make your prayers more personal and powerful through a regular practice of prayer.