

Tim Keller |  March 19, 2017

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John 15:22-27
RS 374-05


Testimony – Video Preview

Sermon Summary

Jesus elucidates the world’s hostility towards Him and His followers, asserting that His teachings and unique works have left the world without an excuse for their sin. This animosity fulfills the prophecies in their law, yet God counters this by sending two witnesses to affirm the truth. This comprehension lays the groundwork for a deeper exploration of the world’s antagonism towards Jesus.

1. What makes the world hostile to Jesus

Jesus’ teachings, as exemplified in the Sermon on the Mount, often provoke hostility as they expose human shortcomings. The sermon’s call to love enemies, be honest, forgive, care for the poor, and refrain from judgment is both an ideal blueprint for human behavior and a mirror reflecting our failure to meet these standards. This dual role of instruction and reflection can lead to discomfort and even anger, particularly among those who find the teachings challenging or seemingly irrelevant.

2. Two witnesses

The Sermon on the Mount by Jesus prompts either antagonism or total reliance on Him. The world’s hope to grasp the truth of Jesus and the Gospel is anchored in the testimonies of the Holy Spirit and believers. The Holy Spirit affirms the truth through apostolic teachings in the New Testament and prepares hearts to receive the Gospel, while believers are tasked with the costly mission of bearing witness to Jesus, accentuated in truth and personal experience, yet never undertaken alone.

3. How we can testify

Salvation, a gift of grace, stresses that no Christian is superior to others. The Gospel, when truly grasped, can transform fear, pride, and pessimism into humility, courage, and optimism. The presence of the Holy Spirit is essential for becoming a Christian and for maintaining a passion to share the beauty of Jesus Christ, a mission that, while costly, promises divine companionship even in the loneliest moments.



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