The Advocate – Gospel in Life

The Advocate

Tim Keller |  January 31, 1993

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  • Doctrine
  • Salvation
  • Jesus' Death & Resurrection
Hebrews 7:19-27
IS 245

Hebrews 7:18–28

Hebrews 7 talks about Jesus Christ as our only high priest. He’s unique because he gave himself up as a sacrifice once and for all. This chapter highlights how Jesus, as our high priest, promises a better agreement with God and continues to help us in our journey towards salvation. It also shows how God sees our worth and value, which is different and more important than how others see us.

1. Understanding the teaching

Imagine Jesus as a lawyer. But, he’s not just any lawyer, he’s the perfect one who can represent us in God’s heavenly court. Unlike human lawyers, Jesus argues for us to receive mercy, not punishment. He assures us that we’re free from guilt because of his sacrifice. This teaching also highlights the importance of obeying God, Jesus’s role in praying for us, and having faith. This can be compared to how Paul asked Philemon to forgive Onesimus in his letter.

2. Applying the teaching

When we understand that Jesus Christ is our righteousness, we’re freed from feelings of guilt and unworthiness. We can live with courage and confidence. Knowing Jesus as our lawyer shifts our hope from temporary things to finding our value in Him alone. This changes how we feel and helps us face difficulties with joy. When we accept this teaching, our churches become places where people are excited to meet God and are not afraid to share how Jesus’s representation has changed their lives.



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In The Reason for God, Tim Keller examines literature, philosophy, real-life conversations and reasoning to present how faith in Christ is a sound and rational belief with intellectual integrity.