Tim Keller | May 29, 2011
In some cultures or social locations, God isn’t seen as compassionate enough, because he allows terrible things to happen. In other cultures, he is seen as too compassionate and forgiving to people who have done terrible things. To fully understand the compassion of God, we have to look at what the Bible says about it. At the end of this famous story of Jonah, the word “compassion” shows up three times — what does it tell us about the compassion of God? This sermon will look at the compassion of God under three headings: 1) What is the compassion of God? 2) What is the compassion of Jesus? 3) What is the compassion of you and me?
This Month's Featured Book
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God offers biblical guidance as well as specific ways to pray in certain situations, such as when dealing with grief, loss, love and forgiveness. In the book, Dr. Keller helps you learn how to make your prayers more personal and powerful through a regular practice of prayer.