
The Cosmic King

Tim Keller |  May 23, 1993

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  • Purpose and Calling
Revelation 1:9-18
RS 41-02


What does it mean for Jesus to be the alpha and the omega? When we see him as “alpha,” we see him as God. We understand who we are in the light of knowing that we are beings created by and for God. When we see him as “omega,” we cease to use Jesus as a means to a greater end. Instead,Jesus himself becomes our greatest end.

Understanding Revelation 1:9–18

The book of Revelation is packed with extraordinary visions and was written to encourage early Christians when they were facing intense persecution. These Christians showed incredible bravery, some even dying for their faith, which surprised the Romans and helped Christianity to spread. Their bravery was fueled by the vision of a powerful, all-encompassing Jesus, described as the Alpha and the Omega. This vision gave them the strength to withstand any hardship, and it can do the same for us today.

1. The early Christians saw Jesus as the Alpha, the beginning

When Jesus said, “I am the Beginning,” he was making a powerful statement about his divine nature. He was saying that he existed before everything else. Early Christians believed this, and it led them to see Jesus as the Alpha, the Creator, and the starting point of everything. This means that our understanding of everything else – including ourselves, our life, and our problems – should start with him.

2. Jesus is also the Omega, the end

Believing that Jesus is both the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all things, is key to finding purpose in life. It’s a mistake to use Christianity just to get what we want in life, like success or wealth. When we do that, we risk losing ourselves in the process. Sometimes, unanswered prayers can show us what we’re really focusing on in life.

3. If Jesus is your beginning and your end, he should also be your middle

Some people say that life has no purpose if there’s no God. But then they still believe in things like kindness and fairness, even though those values don’t make sense if life is truly random and meaningless. As Christians, we find purpose in every part of our lives. We believe that everything we do in the name of Jesus, our Alpha and Omega, has lasting importance, even when we’re going through tough times.



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