
The Gospel and Your Self

Tim Keller |  November 13, 2005

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  • Sin
Isaiah 6:1-13
RS 187-10


The cure for our self-absorption is an encounter with God. The real God is infinitely glorious, weighty,and beautiful. When God moves from being a concept to a reality, he changes our beliefs and priorities by displaying his beauty, man’s sinfulness, and purifying man by grace. Once changed, we can live new lives for him.

Isaiah 6:1–13

When Isaiah saw God’s greatness and purity, it changed him. He realized he had done wrong and needed forgiveness. This change in Isaiah, shown by an angel touching him with a burning coal, made him ready to deliver God’s message. This story shows us that meeting God can change us and the world because it makes us part of God’s work.

1. A God quake

Seeing God’s glory, like Isaiah did in the temple, shows us the difference between thinking of God as an idea and knowing Him as a real being. The Hebrew word for glory means weight, showing God’s importance and lasting presence compared to the short-lived and misleading things of the world. When we let God become real in our lives, it changes our core beliefs and priorities, leading to a personal and unique experience that is different for everyone.

2. There’s a self quake

God’s purity is something we should respect and love for itself, not for what we can get from it. Being in God’s presence makes us realize our mistakes and our need for His grace. This grace is shown by God’s fire, which stands for judgment and purification. Our desire to serve God comes from love for Him, a desire to know and follow Him, and commitment to His plan to save the world.

3. A world quake

When we truly understand God, it changes us inside and makes us want to be part of His divine plan. This spiritual change develops three important traits in us: availability, dependability, and expectancy. These traits mean recognizing God as the most important part of our lives, serving God selflessly, and keeping faith in God’s promise of a better world. These traits help us fully commit to God’s call.



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