
The Last Supper

Tim Keller |  March 26, 2000

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  • Communion and Baptism
  • Atonement
  • Redemption
Matthew 26:19-29
RS 112-1

Understanding Matthew 26:19–29

In this series, we’re diving deep into the meaningful message of Christ’s death, especially focusing on His last week as told in Matthew’s book. Unlike the calm and honorable death of other religious leaders, Jesus’ death was sudden, tragic, and shameful. This might make you ask, why should we follow Him? The answer lies in what Jesus teaches us through his crucifixion and the powerful truth it holds, which is most evident in the Last Supper.

1. The importance of his death

The Last Supper, celebrated during the Passover, shows Jesus hinting at a greater rescue mission than Israel’s escape from Egypt. When He says, “This is my body,” it highlights His death as the most crucial event in all history, bringing all past redemption stories together. His command to remember His death through the meal shows its central role in our faith and His main reason for coming.

2. The reason for his death

During the Passover meal, Jesus explains that His death is a willing sacrifice, a swap for us, to forgive our sins. This is symbolized by the meal’s elements like flat bread, wine, and lamb. The blood of the lamb used for protection during Passover shows that redemption is for everyone. It links the spiritual importance of the Passover event to Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice. The story emphasizes our need to admit our sins, accept Jesus as our stand-in for judgment, and understand that His death, much like a mother hen shield her chicks from a wildfire, is the only way to salvation.

3. How to apply his death to your life

Jesus uses the Last Supper and the Passover to emphasize the personal importance of His death. This bridges the divide between Catholic and Protestant views of the bread and wine. The Lord’s Supper symbolizes Jesus’ body and blood, and the cross is a symbol of glory, love, and peace. It changes suffering and breaks down walls. The power of the cross takes away guilt, encourages humility, and serves as a reminder of Jesus’ death and his upcoming victory, letting individuals experience its life-changing power.



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