
The Openness of Heaven

Tim Keller |  November 4, 2001

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  • God's Love
Genesis 28:10-22
RS 141-2

Genesis 28:10–22

In the story of Jacob meeting God, we see someone just like us, dealing with doubts and failures. This tale happens in three parts: Jacob starts in a place of spiritual confusion, then he has a powerful dream where he sees heaven, and finally, he understands what it means to have a gateway to heaven. This story shows us how important it is to have a life-changing experience with God, more than just believing in Him. It also helps us understand the ideas of spiritual confusion, God revealing Himself, and how we can reach heaven.

1. The darkness of heaven

Jacob feels unloved and worthless, even though God has chosen him. Then he has a dream that changes his life, reassuring him that God is there and that He blesses him. This dream shows us that God works in ways we may not always see or understand, but we are called to trust that He’s always at work in our lives. This highlights the unique Christian understanding of God’s blessing, which is all about God reaching out to us in our brokenness, offering His unconditional love through Jesus, who connects heaven and earth.

2. The openness of heaven

Jesus is more than a guide to heaven – He is the way there. When we realize that He takes the punishment for our sins, our belief transforms into a deep experience of God’s love, holiness, and grace. It’s through this realization that we can truly have a personal relationship with God.

3. The gate of heaven

Every place can be a gateway to heaven because God is everywhere, calling us to live out our Christian faith in all parts of our lives. God reaches out to us when we’re weak, offering love and understanding that no one else can fully give. We need to remember that God’s love is a gift, not something we earn. Through Jesus, we can experience the freedom and strength that comes from admitting our sins and accepting God’s love.



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