
The Power of Jesus

Tim Keller |  January 5, 1997

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  • Doctrine
  • Suffering
  • God's Love
Mark 4:35-41
RS 73-12

Mark 4:35–41

In Mark 4:35-41, we see two sides of Jesus – his mighty power and his human vulnerability. The miracle of calming the storm teaches us four things about Jesus’ power, each with deep spiritual and personal meanings. It reminds us that the humble baby we know of is also the Master of the storms.

1. The reality of Christ’s power

This story emphasizes the real and strong nature of Jesus. Details such as the time and Jesus’ position in the boat confirm the truth of the event. These facts, often missing in old myths and tales, were recalled by the people who told Mark the story. Accepting Jesus’ power, which his critics often tried to explain away, is key to trusting him when we face challenges.

2. The magnitude of the power of Christ

Jesus’ power is shown when he calms a violent storm on the Sea of Galilee with just a command. His power is beyond our comprehension, and greater than any other miracle, as the wind stops and the sea becomes completely calm. This shows that Jesus is not just a fix for our problems, but the Ruler over all disorder and confusion.

3. The divinity of Christ’s power

The wind and sea represent our weakness and the unpredictability of nature, with the sea symbolizing chaos that only God can control. Jesus calming the storm indicates not just great power, but divine authority. This scares the disciples even more as they realize they’re with a divine being. The lesson here is that God’s solutions can sometimes be scarier than the problems themselves.

4. The compatibility of the caring power of Jesus with storms

Jesus’ love for us doesn’t mean we’ll avoid all life’s storms. The disciples thought Jesus’ love should keep them from trouble, but Jesus stays calm in their storm, teaching them that God’s wisdom and love may allow these problems to teach us important lessons. The idea that God doesn’t care when we suffer is simply wrong.

1. The power of focus

Jesus’ question, “Do you still not believe?” tells the disciples to focus on what they know about Him. He challenges them to use their faith to tackle their problems, reminding them of His proven character and deeds. As believers today, we know even more, like how Jesus faced divine justice for us and will never leave us during our trials, encouraging us to reflect on His real love and plan for us.

2. Think about his death

When we struggle and doubt, we might question if God really cares for us. But such questioning often forgets God’s deep love and sacrifice, shown by dying for us. It’s important to realize that our doubts come from not fully understanding His sacrifice, not from His lack of care.

3. Look at your foundations

Troubles in life can show us when our faith is misplaced, suggesting that we might need to examine the foundation of our faith more closely. Jesus’ story of the two houses tells us that building our lives on unstable things like jobs or relationships can lead to disaster when troubles come. Facing these truths can be scary, but it’s a necessary step towards true freedom.

4. Jesus Christ stills the storm with a word

The power of God’s Word offers guidance and focus, giving us comfort and strength to face life’s storms. The unchanging love of God, shown in John Newton’s hymn, assures us of His constant presence during hard times. Coming to the Lord’s Table with a prayerful heart and trust in Christ gives us confidence to face any storm, knowing that God’s loving power will always support us.



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