
The Seed of the Kingdom

Tim Keller |  March 12, 2006

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  • The Bible
  • Salvation
  • Understanding the Gospel
Mark 4:1-20
RS 190-10


In this passage, Jesus Christ tells us how he can change our lives by using the metaphor of a seed. How is the gospel like a seed? 1) Because it has power; 2) Because of how it releases that power; 3) Because its weakness is the secret of its power.

Mark 4:1–20

Jesus tells a story about a farmer planting seeds to explain how his good news (the gospel) works like a seed, slowly growing and changing us. This story shows us how the gospel, though it might seem weak like a tiny seed, is actually very powerful.

1. The gospel is powerful

God’s word in the Bible is very strong. It can create new things and change our spiritual lives. This power helps us understand and feel things we couldn’t before, like how holy God is, how much he loves us, and the hope we have of life after death. The gospel is like God’s power in word form, and it helps us grow in wisdom, wealth, and love.

2. How the gospel shows its power

The gospel works like a seed, bringing God’s life into us. But for this life to grow, the gospel must become the most important thing in our hearts. We must fully accept it, let it become part of us, and stay committed to it. This is how the gospel’s amazing power is released.

3. The gospel’s weakness is the secret of its power

Jesus uses the story of a seed to show us how the gospel is both weak and strong at the same time. He uses stories like this to see who really wants to understand his teachings. The story shows how Jesus willingly became weak by dying, but this released a great power to change things. It also talks about how fear and misunderstanding can lead to racism, but this can be changed with love and understanding. The story ends by reminding us how God’s word can supernaturally change us.



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