
The Sin Beneath the Sins

Tim Keller |  November 28, 1999

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  • Doctrine
  • Sin
  • Salvation
John 1:9-14
RS 108-04

John 1:9–14

The idea of sin, which is a key part of Christian belief, can be confusing for many people today because it’s often linked with negativity and loss of self-worth. But the Bible gives us a different, more detailed picture. It tells us that sin is something we all deal with, it explains what sin really is, and it shows us how it can be healed. This understanding of sin respects everyone’s worth while also recognizing the importance of justice.

1. The universality of sin

When we look at the spiritual struggles of both religious and non-religious people, it becomes clear that we all need Jesus. The story of Nicodemus, who has a deep conversation with Jesus, shows us that we all need a fresh start and have to fully rely on God. This can be hard to accept if you’re used to thinking of being “born again” in a different way. But once you see your need for God’s grace instead of trying to make yourself better or more religious, you begin to understand the Christian idea of sin. You realize that we’re all equal because we’re all broken in some way.

2. The essence of sin

Sin isn’t just about breaking rules. It’s about messing up our relationship with God by trying to take His place. This can happen when we disobey God or even when we obey Him too much and start to feel like we deserve something, get angry, or think we’re better than others. The Christian idea of sin shows us that people who break rules and people who keep them are really the same. This helps us to stop thinking that we’re better than others.

3. How is this healed?

Being a Christian is more than just following Jesus’ teachings. It means completely trusting in Christ and the sacrifice He made for us. This trust allows us to become children of God, to be born again spiritually, and to have a relationship with God that changes us and fills us with love and acceptance. Thinking about Jesus’ death on the cross helps us face our sins, become less proud and scared, and give ourselves to God. This leads to real change in our lives and gives us a deep sense of hope, humility, and joy because we know we need God’s love and forgiveness.



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