
The Triune God

Tim Keller |  May 14, 2017

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John 17:1-5, 24
RS 379-02


John 17 is the only passage in the Bible where we get a look into the inner life of the Trinity. Christianity is the only religion in the world that believes God is triune—one being, eternally existing in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), all equally God who know and love each other. In this passage, we’ll seek to answer two questions: 1) What is the triune God all about? 2) And what is life all about?

Sermon Summary

The upcoming exploration will focus on the profound Christian belief of the Trinity, the concept of one God encompassing three persons. The New Testament subtly weaves this belief into every text, making it a constant, albeit unspoken, presence. The focus will be on the Trinity’s complexity, influence, and evidence, rather than the Great Commission, accentuating its status as one of the most challenging concepts for the human mind to grasp.

1. The difficulty of it

The profound meaning behind the baptismal formula of “in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” signifies entering into God’s authority and receiving a part of His nature. The term “name” in biblical context represents the nature and being of a person, not merely a label. This formula unveils the doctrine of the Trinity, a cornerstone of Christianity, asserting that there is only one God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all equally God, and these three entities know and love each other.

2. The power of it

The doctrine of the Trinity marks love as the ultimate reality and the universe’s purpose, stressing the significance of relationships, community, and servanthood. It cautions against overemphasis on a single aspect of the Trinity, advocating for doctrinal balance. The dynamic nature of Christianity and the importance of faith-sharing are spotlighted, with the Trinity revealing God’s intention for the world to partake in His love and joy, a calling echoed in the lives of Christians.

3. The proof of it

The mystery of the Trinity, beyond human comprehension, was not a concept conceived by man but rather a revelation born from the awe-inspiring life of Jesus. The Old Testament subtly hinted at the Trinity, but it was only after Jesus’s life and resurrection that these hints were grasped. The resurrection, a testament to Jesus’s divinity, unveiled the existence of a complex, multi-faceted God, embodying community and love.



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