
The Word and the Spirit

Tim Keller |  January 20, 2013

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Acts 4:23-37
RS 338-07


Acts is about the origins of Christianity. Whenever you go to the origins, you learn something about what genuine Christianity is — authentic, original, real Christianity. That is important because many people base, to some degree, their non-belief on what it was like to be a “Christian” earlier in life or on what other “Christians” are like.

If you ask yourself every day the question, “Am I a real Christian?,” it will drive you nuts. On the other hand, if you never ask that question, that’s not healthy either. Let’s ask the question on the basis of this text by looking at four marks of a real Christian: 1) you serve God consistently, especially in suffering, 2) you are getting to know God deliberately 3) you experience God periodically, and 4) you exhibit God generously.



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