
The Word

Tim Keller |  November 27, 2016

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John 1:1-11
RS 372-01


The Word – Video Preview

Sermon Summary

The Gospel of John introduces the concept of light, symbolizing God’s presence in the world. John the Baptist serves as a witness to this divine illumination, which is accessible to all. As we approach the Advent season, the significance of light and its connection to Christmas becomes increasingly profound.

1. We need light

The necessity for light is evident, symbolizing a universal need for truth and comprehension. However, humanity’s relationship with this truth is complex, marked by both hostility and ignorance. The world, filled with darkness representing evil and suffering, struggles to grasp and embrace this light, yet it remains unconquered and ever-present.

2. There is a light

The world, steeped in darkness and suffering, requires a light beyond human capacity to illuminate it, a truth embodied in the Christmas message. The essence of life lies in love and relationships, mirrored in the Trinity’s perfect unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and it is this divine love that humanity is created to partake in. The Christian worldview accentuates love and interpersonal relationships as the antidote to the world’s woes, contrasting with the power-centric focus of ancient paganism and modern secularism.

3. How we receive it

Jesus Christ’s mission was to bridge the gap between humanity and God, willingly enduring the ultimate sacrifice of rejection, death, and the loss of love. His crucifixion offers us forgiveness for our sins and fills us with divine love. By making Christ the center of our lives, we align with His purpose, becoming vessels of love and agents of positive change in a troubled world.



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