
The Zeal of Jesus

Tim Keller |  May 31, 1998

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  • Fruit of the Spirit
Luke 4:1-15
RS 91-7


The sermon for today comes from Luke 4, and it is the last sermon in a broader series on the fruit of the Spirit and character change. The recurring question has been, “How can our hearts be changed?” Simply put, our hearts don’t change when we look at the law, but they change when we look at the lawgiver, who is Jesus.

We now come to the last fruit of the Spirit which is self-control. Jesus exemplified self-control and stayed on course when he faced temptation. We’re going to learn about self-control by looking at these four things: what temptation is; the inevitability of it; how it works; and how to defeat it.



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This Month's Featured Book

Cultivate a Deeper Prayer Life

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God offers biblical guidance as well as specific ways to pray in certain situations, such as when dealing with grief, loss, love and forgiveness. In the book, Dr. Keller helps you learn how to make your prayers more personal and powerful through a regular practice of prayer.