Tim Keller | November 2, 2008
The twentieth century philosopher Martin Heidegger believed all human beings were characterized by unheimlichkeit, which means homesickness. It means to be alienated, to feel that we’re not really home in this world, to feel that we are in exile, that we’re in a world that’s profoundly at variance with our deepest desires. Why would that be? What are we going to do about that? Those profound questions are all addressed and actually answered by this wonderful parable in Luke 15.
We’re going to see how Jesus so brilliantly ties this story in with one of the main themes of the entire Bible, which is exile and homecoming. Let’s take a look at how it does that under three headings: the human condition, the divine solution for it, and the new Communion that is the result.
This Month's Featured Book
We all long for a home—for a place where we can truly flourish and belong. In One with My Lord, a new book by Sam Allberry, you’ll discover how the Bible promises that there is a place like that for all of us — but it doesn’t have a zip code.