
Where Can Wisdom Be Found?

Tim Keller |  February 3, 2008

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  • Suffering
Job 28:9-15, 20-28
RS 200-5


In Job 28, we have a poem by Job. Not only is it in some ways the apex of Job’s artistry in the book, but it’s also the apex of Job’s insight. In the midst of all his struggling, he comes to probably his greatest insight about what he has to do, what he must face, and what the suffering means. This poem is all about wisdom. Suffering requires wisdom in order to be handled rightly. And rightly handled, suffering produces more wisdom.

These sections of the poem are going to tell us four things. They’re going to tell us about the importance of wisdom and yet the inaccessibility of it. They’re going to tell us about the source of wisdom and yet the secret of it.



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